Well, I am a super duper proud Mama of my little man. Gabriel began Kung Fu lessons in January and has worked really hard making great progress the last couple of months. Last Monday he took an examination and passed all the skills evaluations for advancing to a gold belt level. He was super happy. He immediately wanted to call his Daddy and tell him about it.
Here he is being congratulated by one of his teachers. You can see the red stripe of tape on his white belt. That shows that he has passed his evaluation. When the school holds another graduation night he will be awarded his new gold belt.
Gabriel has developed a lot of physical strength and stamina through his Kung Fu lessons. It is good for him to have this outlet as something just for him. He is surrounded with sisters and all their feminine interests. Kung Fu has been good for him, and he is happy to have skills to protect his sisters should the need ever arrive. I am so happy to see him accomplish this first step. :)