Monday, July 27, 2009

Our Homemade Laundry Soap

The children and I decided to try the homemade laundry soap the Duggar Family makes. We are spending quite a bit on laundry detergent and decided it would be fun to give this a try!!! I will post the directions as seen on the Duggar website. I also found many different variations online. You can even watch people making the soap on Youtube. We did make one mistake that we will change next time. We used baking soda instead of washing soda. There is a difference, but our detergent is still working. I have not been able to find washing soda anywhere. It is by Arm and Hammer, but I think I may have to order it online. We used the pink zote bar, and Lauren loved the color and getting to grate it. I was a little nervous about trying this with all four children, but we ended up creating a fun memory. We have kept our detergent in a five gallon bucket and use a ladle to scoop it out. You can water it down more as described below. I also put a little bit of peppermint essential oil in ours.
So here are the directions I got from the Duggar's website:

TIPS FOR LAUNDRY SOAP: We use Fels-Naptha bar soap in the homemade soap recipes, but you can use Ivory, Sunlight, Kirk's Hardwater Castile or Zote bars. Don't use heavily perfumed soaps. We buy Fels-Naptha by the case from our local grocer or online. Washing Soda and Borax can normally be found on the laundry or cleaning aisle. Recipe cost approx. $2.

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine- best value

4 Cups hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 Cup Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax

- Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.

-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.

-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)

-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.

-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.

-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)

-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

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