Saturday, April 2, 2016

Parenting Conference

This weekend our church hosted a parenting conference with John and Janie Street from the Master's Seminary in California.  I took extensive notes and thought I would share some of the content here on the blog.  I am just going to share some various thoughts on different subjects as there were so many great things shared!

Parenting in the 21st century presents new challenges.....our children are faced with ideas and choices we never had to make at such young ages.  As parents it is imperative that we view the Scripture not as one of the answers out there but as THE ANSWER!

On the topic of how young can a child be saved this quote was shared: "A child who knowingly sins can savingly believe." - Charles Spurgeon

A common form of parenting in our post modern culture is that of lots and lots of instruction and very little structural parameters.  An example of this is saying to your child, "When you do that you make Mommy unhappy" without giving a consequence.  The child likely does not care if Mommy is unhappy......he just wants his own way.  If a parent only gives verbal input without consequences the child will be left to go according to his or her own sinful nature.  This kind of home is a permissive home and brings harm to the whole family.

"Discipline your son and he will give you rest.  He will give delight to your heart." - Proverbs 29:17

The opposite of the permissive home is a more dictatorial home where there are many structural parameters and instruction, but there is not a lot of heart connection where parents disciple and explain the why behind the rules.  It is more of a police state home where parents are like cops looking for any infraction of the law.  This kind of heavy handed leadership without relationship is also very dangerous.

What should be happening in the christian home?  

We can help our child exegete their own heart.

Proverbs 29:15 “  The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.”  

What desire made you willing to disobey God in………?
Was that desire godly or ungodly?
What does the Bible call that?  
What do you need to do? 
Admit your sin and ask for forgiveness.  
What did you do wrong?  

It is much easier to be a behavioristic parent and say, “STOP.”  These mundane moments are the most teachable moments in our parenting.  Buy up these opportunities.  Help your children exegete their own hearts.  

Well, that is just a sample of pages and pages of notes I took.  It was a blessing to attend a parenting conference and be reminded of some foundational principles to parenting according to the Word of God.  

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