Welcome to another Christmas episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast. We hear a lot about peace at Christmastime, and in today's episode I share how Jesus is the source of true peace. The world offers us many counterfeit means to peace, but Jesus said He came to give us true and abiding peace. I hope you will be encouraged! https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-website-legacyhomeschoolreflections-d3zzd/Having+a+Peaceful+Christmas+-+12_15_18%2C+12.44+PM.mp3
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Friends, this is the last week we all have to prepare for Christmas. As we go about our preparations, may we remember that our peace is not in getting it all done. Our true and eternal peace is in knowing Jesus and trusting Him moment by moment. He is the only true and lasting source of peace. May we abide in Him and trust Him fully. Merry Christmas!
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