Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Birthday Time!

March is birthday time in our household
following on the heels of Daddy's birthday which
comes in late February. This year we had a jumping party at Inflatable Zone. We had a bouncy good time. We had a similar party for Lauren and
Gabriel when they were turning four and two.
How the time has flown. This time around
Lauren turned eight and Gabriel is turning six on Friday. Four years just went by like a flash.
Our party had the themes of Barbie Ballerina and Transformers. We are thankful for all the
special people who celebrated with us.


  1. fun party! Lauren and Gabriel are growing up way too fast. I remember Lauren's first birthday like it was yesterday.

  2. Hi Ruth-looked like a lot of fun! Kids grow up waaaaay to fast! Barbies and Transformers must have made for an interesting party. :D How nice they can share it together!!
    ~Lori, your Michigan friend.
